Sunday, April 4, 2010

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Opportunities

Reading the healthcare reform legislation can be frustrating if you are not a government entity, nonprofit, or provider. As discussed at e-CareManagement this week, readers are likely interested in how they may participate in some of the demos and projects in HR 3590, Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act  (PPACA). The problem is that many of the ideas for implementing the innovations contained in the bill do not exist in the government/nonprofit/provider context. My suggestion for implementers of technology would be to pursue the following analysis:

Step 1: What types of entities are eligible project participants? If your entity isn't  eligible, go to step 2.
Step 2: Will the project be administered in a manner that provides opportunities for subcontractors? If so, go to step 3.
Step 3: Determine whether your organization is suited to be a subcontractor to an eligible entity.  

Here's an example using Section 4206 on "Individualized Wellness Programs". Maybe you can be on the receiving end of "appropriation of such funds as may be necessary".

Step 1 – Eligibility. The recipient of funds under Sec. 4206 must be a “community health center” funded under 42 U.S.C. 245b, which is found under “health center” at 42 U.S.C. 254b. To qualify, you must fit within one of the trendy categories of “health services” listed there, or certain exceptions. If you don’t qualify, go to Step 2.
Step 2 – Administration. The Secretary of HHS will dole out grants for 4206 directly to the “community health center”. The health center will likely have ties to state government because one of the two factors for determining criteria is comments received from state officials.  Sec. 254(b)(3)(B). Under open government protocols followed these days by most states, you will be able to find out which wellness programs your state is endorsing doing by looking at the state department of health web site.
Step 3 – Subcontracting Options. Section 4206 is a new program, so there aren’t any established entities with subcontracting processes to use as an example. But if you look at the pattern established with HITECH Act funds in California, for example, we aer just now getting through the public comment process of its operational plan for ARRA funds earmarked back in February 2009. Consulting firms have been facilitating the process and design of the solutions, and will likely continue to do so.

Here's a table showing the eligible entities and administrative processes for Sections 4206, as well as Section 3510 on Navigators and 4202 on Community-Based Wellness.

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