The National Health information network has now provided a template agreement for organizations seeking to participate in health information exchange -- the Data Use and Reciprocal Support Agreement (DURSA).
California is one of the states challenged to determine what modifications to the DURSA, or state law, for health information exchange (HIE) to achieve its full potential. In my view, the DURSA review is a timely opportunity to address the proliferation of disease management services that may diverge from the disease management services contemplated in California Civil Code Sec. 56.10(c)(17).
Certain features of “accountable care” and “medical home” approaches contained in the recent health care legislation seek to enlist the services of a disease management firm to provide both the types of disease management services described in Health Code Section 1399.901, and additional services that would arguably provide better quality assurance and cost control in California if the disease management organization was more broadly permitted by the California law to participate in HIE under DURSA. A disease management organization seeking to validate population health trends or evidence-based practices, for example, would have to seek the support of either a multitude of physicians (Sec 56.10(c)(17)(A)), or the health services plan (56.10(c)(17)(B)), making such validations more difficult.
Certain features of “accountable care” and “medical home” approaches contained in the recent health care legislation seek to enlist the services of a disease management firm to provide both the types of disease management services described in Health Code Section 1399.901, and additional services that would arguably provide better quality assurance and cost control in California if the disease management organization was more broadly permitted by the California law to participate in HIE under DURSA. A disease management organization seeking to validate population health trends or evidence-based practices, for example, would have to seek the support of either a multitude of physicians (Sec 56.10(c)(17)(A)), or the health services plan (56.10(c)(17)(B)), making such validations more difficult.